
The ROOC (Robotics and Connected Objects) platform provides complex cyber-physical equipment (mobile robots, measuring instruments, embedded systems, etc.) via the Internet for training activities, scientific research and collaborative innovation.

These devices are grouped in thematic virtual laboratories covering ESIGELEC's fields of activity. The use of this platform is reserved to students, teachers and ESIGELEC partners. This project is co-financed by the Rouen-Normandy Metropolis within the framework of the Higher Education and Research Support Scheme for the platform component, and co-financed by the region of Normandy within the framework of the « RIN Actions Sup’2022 » operation.

Artificial Intelligence

IA, Machine Learning and Deep-Learning Laboratory.

Use calculation servers optimized for AI work (Deep Learning, GPU computing) via a Python development environment based on Jupyter Notebook.

Parallel Programming and Computer Vision

Parallel programming and computer vision on CPU and GPU.

Practicing parallel programming on CPU and GPU in C, C++ and Python.

Edge Computing - BeagleBone

Use BeagleBone embedded systems running under GNU/Linux with a complete development environment for programming in Bash, Python, C and C++ languages.

This laboratory provides access to Beagle Bone "Single Board Computer" type embedded systems. A complete development environment, based on Visual Studio Code, is provided, allowing to use these systems interactively via the command line, or in Bash, Python, C and C++ programming. The development environment also allows cross-compilation (in C and C++) and programming of Linux kernel modules (in C only).

Edge Computing - Jetson TX2

Program Edge Computing applications mixing embedded and AI on Jetson TX2 boards.

In progress

Mobile Robotics

Working on mobile robotics applications with DJI EP-Core robots.

In progress

Industrial Robotics and Vision

Industrial collaborative robotics with Universal Robots UR3e, with gripper and industrial camera.

In progress